
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

7 Things You Don't Know About Green Tea

Today’s Re-Powering Information – Speaking of tea . . .

7 Things You Don't Know About Green Tea

By Rona Tison,
By now, we know that drinking green tea is undoubtedly good for our bodies. The antioxidant and free-radical scavenging properties of green tea have made it a must-have for the health conscious and numerous studies highlight the potential benefits of green tea including cancer prevention and weight loss.

But green tea isn’t just a delicious and healthful drink; it can also be used as an at-home health and beauty remedy. Read on to find out 7 surprising things you didn’t know about green tea

*1. It can reduce puffy peepers*: Stayed out too late last night? Soaking a cotton pad in green tea and placing it over eyes for 10 minutes can reduce the puffiness of tired eyes, making you look revitalized and refreshed.

*2. It can soothe skin*: Spent a little too much time in the sun? Use the naturally calming properties of green tea to soothe sunburned skin. Place green tea in a spray bottle and mist on sunburned areas for all-natural relief. Because it has anti-bacterial qualities, green tea can also be used as an antiseptic to spray on skin blemishes or irritations.

*3. It’s great for teeth*: Green tea has fluoride in it, making it a superstar for keeping gums and teeth healthy. Green tea can even be used as a mouthwash to maintain breath.

*4. It can soothe sore throats*: The anti-viral effects of green tea make it an excellent remedy to help prevent the effects of a cold or flu. In fact, you can gargle with green tea to soothe a sore throat.

*5. It’s good for the bones*: Naturally high in minerals, green tea aids in strong bone density, which is important for maintaining good posture.

*6. It’s a room deodorizer*: Green tea leaves have traditionally been used to naturally absorb odors in a room. Place tea leaves in a bowl to help absorb unpleasant odors or leave some in the fridge in place of baking soda.

*7. It’s good for the feet*: Soaking tired feet in green tea can prevent unpleasant fungal infections.

Enjoy a cool glass of fruity tea today.

Have a thankful day,

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