
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Adventure Project, Foods that are Harmful

People are facing tough times from economic adversity, to career disappointment and illness.
Fear and worry take an immense toll on our well being physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. He or she who has a healthy balance has everything. We were not made to worry we are meant to take risks!

Adventure is the spark that starts everything. It’s the fire, the awareness, the awakening of the unconscious. You can’t have an unconscious, unintentional adventure. Think about the greatest time in your life. You were likely fully engaged in a multisensory way without worry, feeling fully alive. Fear is a handicap.

We can change your thinking to empower you to have faith in yourself. Risk helps you grow. Be willing to try, to lose and learn from it. Be in the present and experience adventure. Adventure is not about thrill seeking, but about soul searching.

Today you can look at popular movies like Yes Man or some of the words in the titles of President Obama’s books such as :”Dream”, “Change”, “Hope”. Everyone can have a life like of abundance, prosperity, peace, joy and blessings. We are committed to helping you find the balance.

Tammy and I believe miracles will happen from the Adventure Project. The Time is Now for you to take the leading role in your life!

> Seize the day!


I love to see everyone waking up each moment and seizing the day.

Tomorrow I said we would focus on back, shoulders, biceps, core and cardio. As always we plan to be outside. With the wind blowing into the building this morning and b/c we were not doing much movement, the majority choose inside. The rest of the week looks good for weather.

Today’s Re-Powering information: Gale sent me this information about Risky Foods regarding hormones, pesticides and carcinogens. I cover some of this in the Grocery Shopping Tour which is coming up Thursday Feb 25th. The boot camp site is down at the moment, but you can register later. I think you may be surprised at some of these findings. There are also additional links to foods containing mercury, articles on buying organic, etc.

Not Just HFCS and Peanut Butter: 10 Other Risky Foods
Is buying organic the answer to avoiding hormones, pesticides and carcinogens?
By Maura Judkis, U.S. News & World Report
More on this in Health & Fitness
• Mercury Found in High Fructose Corn Syrup
• How Much Meat Should a Climate Change-Wary Flexitarian Eat?
• 4 Easy Ways to Be a Freegan

As if we don't have enough to be worried about already. In the midst of food safety scares from salmonella in peanut butter and mercury in high fructose corn syrup, has produced a list of 10 other foods that can be dangerous. Their risks range from hormones to pesticides to carcinogenic substances. How to avoid many of these risks? Buy organic.
Farmed salmon. It's high in polychlorinated biphenyls, with 11 times more dioxins than wild salmon.
Conventionally grown bell peppers. They require more pesticides than any other vegetable—with as many as 64 being found on a single sample of pepper in one study.
Non-organic strawberries. Some growers of strawberries irrigate their plants with Nutri-Sweet-laced water. The sugar substitute is a probable carcinogen.
Chilean sea bass. The fish is high in mercury, and if eaten consistently over time, can elevate the body's mercury levels to dangerous amounts.
Non-organic peaches. Pesticides easily penetrate their soft skins and permeate the fruit.
Genetically modified corn. We still don't know the long-term effects of genetically modified corn, but it's been tied to an increase in allergies for humans.
Bluefin tuna. Not only is it high in mercury, but overfishing may drive the species to extinction and affect the sea's ecosystem.
Industrially farmed chicken. Arsenic has been found in conventional chickens, as has antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Non-organic apples. When grown in humid Mid-Atlantic states, the crop uses more pesticides than California, Oregon and Washington states.
Cattle treated with rBGH. Recombinant bovine growth hormone has been traced to breast cancer and hormonal disorders.
Read more on MSN Health & Fitness:
• Organic Foods: Are They Safer? More Nutritious?
• Organics for the 21st Century
• Tracking Down a Salmonella Outbreak
• Seventh Salmonella Death Linked to Peanut Products
• Organics: Are They Worth It?


Make the best choices possible today!

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