
Friday, February 27, 2009

The Real Truth Behind Flu Shots -- And Why So Few People Get the Flu During the Summer...

I know there has been a lot of illness going around camp and especially the schools. I have a 5 year old nephew who has been in the hospital for a week with an intellavirus who now has a pick line implanted for a month of high dosage anti-biotics. I just saw this article and video below from Dr. Mercola’s website regarding the truth about flu shots. I have told you before that in 39 years I have had the flu once (Thanksgiving 1997) and I have NEVER had a flu shot. I remember growing up with friends who had the flu shot every year and got the flu every year. I figured I would take my chances.

Read, watch and listen and form your own opinion. Vitamin D therapy sounds a lot more reasonable to me – especially since some people are deficient.

The Real Truth Behind Flu Shots -- And Why So Few People Get the Flu During the Summer...

Dr. John Cannell is the physician in the first video. He is the founder of the Vitamin D Council and one of the more knowledgeable vitamin D experts out there. He has been a primary resource for me in helping me formulate my understanding of vitamin D.

Only about 1,000 people die directly from the flu virus in the United States each year. While the government claims 36,000 -- the remaining 35,000 deaths are caused by diseases like pneumonia that may follow the flu.

But there's no clear scientific connection between the flu and these more serious afflictions. That means most of the time a flu shot has little impact in actually preventing death.

Barbara Loe Fisher, head of the National Vaccine Information Center, says that the repeated references to 36,000 seems to be an attempt to scare people into getting the shot. Fisher has a new book on the safety issues with vaccines, "Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic."

Her concerns have led her to look at alternatives. One alternative favored by a number of physicians is vitamin D. Dr. John Cannell, executive director of the Vitamin D Council, suggests the reason we even have a flu season is because our vitamin D levels drop, which takes place naturally as we get less and less sun with the approach of winter.

Cannell suggests babies get 1,000 units of vitamin D a day, and those 2 and older get 2,000 units. Many adults and some children need more than that.


CBN November 4, 2008

Dr. Mercola''s Comments

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Close to 150 million doses of flu vaccine have been produced this year, which is the highest number ever available. Yet, the chances of a flu shot being effective in any given year are about as high as your chances of pulling a needle from a haystack. This is because flu shots only protect against certain strains of the flu virus. These strains mutate rapidly, and scientists can only make educated guesses about which strains will be most prevalent this year.

As you might suspect, often they are way off base. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states:

“In some years when vaccine and circulating strains were not well-matched, no vaccine effectiveness can be demonstrated in some studies, even in healthy adults. It is not possible in advance of the influenza season to predict how well the vaccine and circulating strains will be matched, and how that match may affect the degree of vaccine effectiveness.”

This does not bode well for the millions of Americans who are being lulled into a false sense of security that getting a flu shot is all they need to do to prevent the flu.

Flu Shots’ Poor Rates of Effectiveness

It really amazes me how effective the drug companies have been at manipulating the culture to actually let them sell these toxic, ineffective and expensive options in pharmacies, airports, college campuses, grocery stores and countless other outlets.

The truth is that:

• Giving young children flu shots appeared to have no impact on flu-related doctor visits or hospitalizations during two recent flu seasons, according to a study published in the October issue of the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine.

• The flu vaccine is no more effective for children than a placebo, according to a large-scale, systematic review of 51 studies, published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

• No studies have conclusively proven that flu shots prevent flu-related deaths among the elderly.

• A study published in the Lancet just found that influenza vaccination was NOT associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia in older people. Why is this important? Because 35,000 of the 36,000 “flu” deaths the government claims happen each year are actually caused by diseases like pneumonia, and NOT the flu.

• Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine also confirms that there has been no decrease in deaths from influenza and pneumonia, despite the fact that vaccination coverage among the elderly has increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now.

I can’t imagine anyone signing up to receive this vaccine even if they were paid to do it, yet tens of millions are conned into thinking money spent on this shot is worthwhile! If people only understood the facts, I doubt many would rationally decide to receive this shot.

Sadly, throwing away the money spent on the flu vaccine is the least of your worries, should you decide to get a flu shot.

What Exactly is in a Flu Shot?

Before you decide to get vaccinated, it would serve you well to find out.

According to Dr. Donald Miller, MD, two-thirds of this year’s flu vaccines contain 25 micrograms of thimerosal. Thimerosal is 49 percent mercury by weight.

Each dose of these flu vaccines contains more than 250 times the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit for mercury.

By now, most people are well aware that children and fetuses are most at risk of damage from this neurotoxin, as their brains are still developing. Yet the CDC still recommends that children over 6 months, and pregnant women, receive the flu vaccine each year. This is just inexcusable.

In addition to mercury, flu vaccines also contain other hazardous ingredients like:

• Formaldehyde -- a known cancer-causing agent
• Aluminum -- a neurotoxin that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease
• Triton X-100 -- a detergent
• Phenol (carbolic acid)
• Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
• Various antibiotics: neomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin -- which can cause allergic reactions in some people

How many people do you think would knowingly sit down and allow themselves, or their children, to be injected with:

• Formaldehyde?

• Aluminum?

• Mercury?

• Antifreeze?

It’s time word got out that if you got a flu shot, you did exactly that. And for what? Even if you get a flu shot, you can still get the flu, or flu-like symptoms, because it’s anyone’s guess which flu viruses will be in your area.

The powers that be have done an excellent job of instilling fear into the population so they believe that they must get a shot to stay healthy, but the simple reality is it’s doing you and your family more harm than good.

What REALLY Works for the Flu

Getting appropriate amounts of sunshine or UV exposure through a safe tanning bed (or taking a vitamin D supplement when you can’t get healthy amounts of UVB exposure) is one of my KEY preventive strategies against the cold and flu, as it has an extraordinary strengthening effect on your immune system.

Although supplements are clearly inferior to sunlight exposure or safe tanning beds, I am becoming more convinced of the value of vitamin D supplements as they are less potentially toxic than my initial impression, and they are certainly more convenient and less expensive than a tanning bed.

If you are in an area that does not allow you to get adequate sun exposure, and you don’t have access to a safe tanning bed, adults should take 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day, depending on body weight. For children, 2,000 IU per day is typically adequate.

For more information on this amazing flu-preventing vitamin, as well as where to have your vitamin D levels checked and how to cure a cold or flu with mega-doses of vitamin D, please read Avoid Flu Shots With the One Vitamin That Will Stop Flu in Its Tracks.

And, please, think long and hard about whether you want to waste your money on a toxin-laden shot that likely won’t work to prevent the flu. Personally, I have not received a flu shot nor had the flu in over 20 years because I use lifestyle strategies to keep the flu (and other illnesses) at bay.

The good news is that you can do them too, and drastically improve your chances of staying healthy right on through flu season:

• Eat right for your nutritional type, including avoiding sugar
• Get plenty of vitamin D
• Eliminate sugar from your diet
• Eat garlic regularly
• Consume a high-quality krill oil daily
• Exercise
• Get adequate sleep
• Address emotional stress
• Wash your hands regularly (but not excessively)

'Natural' weight-loss supplements may be a health hazard

I know none of you take weight loss supplements, but you know how it’s the topic of discussion at the office, neighborhood or with your girl friends. Be a savvy consumer and read the article below so that you are armed with an arsenal of information. When your friends and family tell you they are trying the latest weight loss supplement, even if it claims to be natural, beware. They all have side effects and ultimately are short term band aids that do not produce necessary behavior changes for life long health and vitality.

'Natural' weight-loss supplements may be a health hazard

* Story Highlights

* FDA: At least 69 so-called natural diet pills are tainted with prescription meds

* Buyer beware: FDA doesn't approve or regulate dietary supplements

* FDA has asked for voluntary recalls; so far only three of 69 complied

* So far, no deaths have been linked to the tainted supplements


The names of the weight-loss supplements say it all: 7 Day Herbal Slim, 2 Day Diet, and even 24 Hours Diet. Those are just three of dozens of different brands touted as all-natural ways to shed pounds, and lose them super fast.

The FDA found that at least 69 so-called natural weight loss supplements are tainted with medication.

The FDA found that at least 69 so-called natural weight loss supplements are tainted with medication.

But according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, nothing could be further from the truth. Many of these "herbal" weight-loss remedies -- 69 at last count -- are tainted with prescription drugs or mixtures of drugs, including laxatives, diuretics, and anti-seizure medications. And that list of 69 products will probably grow in the coming weeks, says FDA spokesperson Rita Chappelle.

"Our investigation is ongoing and quite extensive, and more products will be added to the list," she says.

Some supplements contain rimonabant, a prescription drug rejected by the FDA for use in the United States due to safety concerns. And others contain sibutramine, a prescription weight-loss drug sold as Meridia in the United Sates. However, the supplements often contain more than one drug, and in doses three to four times what you would get with a doctor's prescription. The supplements' labels don't mention the medications, much less the amount of the drug found in the pills. 3 secrets to walking off belly fat

"The biggest issue generally speaking with herbal over-the-counter supplements is that people don't think they're drugs to begin with," says Matthew Grissinger, director of error reporting programs at the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, in Horsham, Pennsylvania. Undeclared ingredients make it even more likely that a person could have interactions with prescription medications or other health risks, he says.

Someone with high blood pressure or heart failure (not uncommon in the overweight) "may already be on diuretics, so now they are literally taking two, three, four times the amount of diuretic they are supposed to," he says.

More than 150 million people in the U.S. take vitamins and other dietary supplements, according to the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), which represents supplement manufacturers. The group supports the FDA's efforts and encourages "consumers to be savvy when it comes to their supplements," said CRN's president and CEO, Steve Mister, in a statement. "Always buy from reputable companies that you know and trust."

The FDA does not approve or regulate dietary supplements before they come on the market; "let the buyer beware" is typically the rule of thumb. VideoWatch: Elizabeth Cohen reported on this problem in December 2008 »

Many of the tainted weight-loss supplements are manufactured in China and sold on the Internet, says Chappelle. However, that's not true of all of them. One popular weight-loss product, called StarCaps, "was sold in GNC, advertised in People magazine, and promoted by people like Kathie Lee Gifford and others," says Chappelle. "That product contained an active pharmaceutical ingredient that was, again, not declared, called bumetanide -- a diuretic."

The FDA recently asked all the manufacturers of these supplements to recall their products, but only three have done so as of this week, says Chappelle. StarCaps has been recalled, as have two other products, called Venom HyperDrive 3.0 and Zhen de Shou.

So far, no deaths have been linked to the tainted supplements. But people who take the weight-loss products could experience heart palpitations, a drop in blood pressure, or seizures, says Chappelle.

"We're still seeking voluntary recalls, but our main message is to make consumers aware that these products are out there," she says. "If a product seems too good to be true, it typically is." The Internet "has become a huge playground" for fly-by-night companies selling potentially hazardous products, she says.

The FDA recommends that people who want to lose weight discuss their goals with their doctor and take only an FDA-approved weight-loss drug if such treatment is deemed necessary. There are three FDA-approved drugs on the market: sibutramine (Meridia), orlistat (Xenical), and a low-dose version of orlistat that is sold over the counter (Alli).

The FDA also recommends checking its list all of the tainted weight-loss supplements, which will be updated.

Health Library

* Over-the-counter weight-loss pills: Do they work?

* Herbal supplements: What to know before you buy

* Weight-loss drugs -- Can a prescription help you lose weight?

Sidney Wolfe, M.D., director of the Health Research Group at the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen, notes that weight-loss products have a dismal history in terms of safety and efficacy. For example, the prescription combination known as Fen-Phen was linked to heart valve problems and removed from the market in 1997, and phenylpropanolamine (PPA) was an ingredient removed from weight-loss products in 2005 due to stroke risk. (Public Citizen has also petitioned the FDA to remove sibutramine and orlistat from the market.)

"There isn't any magic solution to losing weight. The only way you can lose weight in a sustainable way is to cut down on your dietary intake by 200 or 300 calories a day and exercise 100 to 200 calories more," he says. "None of this other stuff works." Get your family involved in changing your eating behavior

It's not just weight-loss supplements. In the past, other dietary supplements have been found to be tainted with prescription remedies, including diabetes drugs, Viagra, and other medications.

"The FDA can barely keep up with all the stuff that's going on here," says Wolfe. "It's not exactly easy for them to detect it."

Natural Weight Loss Supplements - Buyer Beware

Today’s Re-Powering information: I know none of you take weight loss supplements, but you know how it’s the topic of discussion at the office, neighborhood or your girl friends. Be a savvy consumer and read the article below so that you are armed with an arsenal of information. When your friends and family tell you they are trying the latest weight loss supplement, even if it claims to be natural, beware.

'Natural' weight-loss supplements may be a health hazard
FDA: At least 69 so-called natual diet pills are tainted with prescription meds
Buyer beware: FDA doesn't approve or regulate dietary supplements
FDA has asked for voluntary recalls; so far only three of 69 complied
So far, no deaths have been linked to the tainted supplements

The names of the weight-loss supplements say it all: 7 Day Herbal Slim, 2 Day Diet, and even 24 Hours Diet. Those are just three of dozens of different brands touted as all-natural ways to shed pounds, and lose them super fast.

The FDA found that at least 69 so-called natural weight loss supplements are tainted with medication.

But according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, nothing could be further from the truth. Many of these "herbal" weight-loss remedies -- 69 at last count -- are tainted with prescription drugs or mixtures of drugs, including laxatives, diuretics, and anti-seizure medications. And that list of 69 products will probably grow in the coming weeks, says FDA spokesperson Rita Chappelle.
"Our investigation is ongoing and quite extensive, and more products will be added to the list," she says.
Some supplements contain rimonabant, a prescription drug rejected by the FDA for use in the United States due to safety concerns. And others contain sibutramine, a prescription weight-loss drug sold as Meridia in the United Sates. However, the supplements often contain more than one drug, and in doses three to four times what you would get with a doctor's prescription. The supplements' labels don't mention the medications, much less the amount of the drug found in the pills. 3 secrets to walking off belly fat
"The biggest issue generally speaking with herbal over-the-counter supplements is that people don't think they're drugs to begin with," says Matthew Grissinger, director of error reporting programs at the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, in Horsham, Pennsylvania. Undeclared ingredients make it even more likely that a person could have interactions with prescription medications or other health risks, he says.
Someone with high blood pressure or heart failure (not uncommon in the overweight) "may already be on diuretics, so now they are literally taking two, three, four times the amount of diuretic they are supposed to," he says.
More than 150 million people in the U.S. take vitamins and other dietary supplements, according to the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), which represents supplement manufacturers. The group supports the FDA's efforts and encourages "consumers to be savvy when it comes to their supplements," said CRN's president and CEO, Steve Mister, in a statement. "Always buy from reputable companies that you know and trust."
The FDA does not approve or regulate dietary supplements before they come on the market; "let the buyer beware" is typically the rule of thumb. Watch: Elizabeth Cohen reported on this problem in December 2008 »
Many of the tainted weight-loss supplements are manufactured in China and sold on the Internet, says Chappelle. However, that's not true of all of them. One popular weight-loss product, called StarCaps, "was sold in GNC, advertised in People magazine, and promoted by people like Kathie Lee Gifford and others," says Chappelle. "That product contained an active pharmaceutical ingredient that was, again, not declared, called bumetanide -- a diuretic."
The FDA recently asked all the manufacturers of these supplements to recall their products, but only three have done so as of this week, says Chappelle. StarCaps has been recalled, as have two other products, called Venom HyperDrive 3.0 and Zhen de Shou.
So far, no deaths have been linked to the tainted supplements. But people who take the weight-loss products could experience heart palpitations, a drop in blood pressure, or seizures, says Chappelle.
"We're still seeking voluntary recalls, but our main message is to make consumers aware that these products are out there," she says. "If a product seems too good to be true, it typically is." The Internet "has become a huge playground" for fly-by-night companies selling potentially hazardous products, she says.
The FDA recommends that people who want to lose weight discuss their goals with their doctor and take only an FDA-approved weight-loss drug if such treatment is deemed necessary. There are three FDA-approved drugs on the market: sibutramine (Meridia), orlistat (Xenical), and a low-dose version of orlistat that is sold over the counter (Alli).
The FDA also recommends checking its list all of the tainted weight-loss supplements, which will be updated.
Health Library Over-the-counter weight-loss pills: Do they work? Herbal supplements: What to know before you buy Weight-loss drugs -- Can a prescription help you lose weight?
Sidney Wolfe, M.D., director of the Health Research Group at the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen, notes that weight-loss products have a dismal history in terms of safety and efficacy. For example, the prescription combination known as Fen-Phen was linked to heart valve problems and removed from the market in 1997, and phenylpropanolamine (PPA) was an ingredient removed from weight-loss products in 2005 due to stroke risk. (Public Citizen has also petitioned the FDA to remove sibutramine and orlistat from the market.)
"There isn't any magic solution to losing weight. The only way you can lose weight in a sustainable way is to cut down on your dietary intake by 200 or 300 calories a day and exercise 100 to 200 calories more," he says. "None of this other stuff works." Get your family involved in changing your eating behavior
It's not just weight-loss supplements. In the past, other dietary supplements have been found to be tainted with prescription remedies, including diabetes drugs, Viagra, and other medications.
"The FDA can barely keep up with all the stuff that's going on here," says Wolfe. "It's not exactly easy for them to detect it."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A landmark week for transforming our health care system

Dr Hyman, Dr Oz, Dr Weil and others are going to the senate to propose functional medicine to them as a health care solution. This can be a step in the right direction.

I especially like the line that says:
We must change not only the WAY we do medicine, but also the medicine we DO. Read Dr Hyman’s article below.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

This is a landmark week for transforming our health care system.

The Senate is having hearings on transforming health care and integrative and Functional medicine and the National Academy of Sciences is hosting an Institute of Medicine Summit on Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public

I am also honored to let you know that on Thursday, February 26th between 10 am and 12 pm, I will be testifying on how Functional medicine can help solve our health care crisis before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions at the invitation of Senators Kennedy, Harkin and Mikulski.

You can view this testimony, along with that of Drs. Oz, Ornish and Weil online at:

I am not clear on whether the hearing will be streamed live or available for viewing afterward, so please check back for the recorded version if it's not streamed live.

Here is some of what I will be sharing with them.
The current medical and scientific paradigm of acute care medicine has been unable to effectively address the epidemic of chronic disease and its associated costs.
There is a new paradigm which addresses the fundamental underlying causes of chronic disease, and can form the basis for a more effective model of medical education, practice, and research that over time will generate dramatic cost savings and improved health outcomes.
There are specific initiatives and strategies based on this new paradigm that can help quickly transform our sick care system into a health care system.

Even if we get everything else right in health care reform, it won't matter unless we address the underlying causes of illness that drive both costs and the development of chronic disease. This innovative approach to chronic disease cannot only prevent but also more effectively TREAT chronic disease.

We must change not only the WAY we do medicine, but also the medicine we DO.

We must improve not only financing and delivery of health care, but also our fundamental scientific approach to chronic disease-an epidemic that now affects 133 million Americans and accounts for 78% of health care costs.

This way of doing medicine, or Functional medicine, is a system of personalized, patient centered care based on how our environment and lifestyle choices act on our genes to create imbalances in our core biologic systems. Those imbalances show up as the signs and symptoms we call disease.

It is best solution for our health care crisis. The solution is not our current acute care model, which though extremely effective for acute disease, leads to worse outcomes and higher costs when applied to chronic disease because it doesn't address WHY people are sick.

This new paradigm is personalized, preventive, participatory, predictive, prospective, and patient centered.

It is proactive rather than reactive.

It is based on addressing the causes of disease and optimizing biologic function in the body's core physiologic systems, not only treating the symptoms.

It based on systems biology or medicine.

That model exists today, and is called Functional Medicine.

****Key Avenues for Change: Recommendations ****
Re-tooling medical education and research to match the science of systems medicine. I recommend the establishment of a sustainably funded Institute for Lifestyle and Systems Medicine/Functional Medicine.
Creation of Functional medicine demonstration projects in federally funded community health centers, with integrated health care teams focusing on treating chronic disease and providing education about lifestyle and wellness
The establishment of a White House and/or Congressional Office for Health and Wellness to coordinate all efforts in this area.

Thanks for all your support and encouragement in this critical time.

If you want to help, please contact your congressman, Senators and the White House to advocate for this type of change and share your stories of how this has impacted you.

We all can change our health care system together!

To your good health,

Mark Hyman, MD

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lifestyle 'doubles stroke risk'

Today’s Re-Powering Information– I know you must say to yourself some days “Kelli, you are preaching to the choir –we know and live this stuff”. And for that I am thankful. Since I believe we all (me included) always have room for improvement, that knowledge is power AND I hope you pass this information on to the ones you care about, I am sharing another article on the effects of lifestyle on health. I can’t drive it home enough.

Before you read this, Lorine reminded me that Lent is about to begin tomorrow. If you observe Lent, it’s a season to prepare for the resurrection of Christ and in doing so, many people abstain from something. That something can be anything you like. Every year my sister in law gives up sweets and her husband gives up wine. Lorine is giving up alcohol. If you observe Lent or not, this is a good time to think about something that may be excessive in your life and giving it up for 40 days. If you would like to let me know what that is or if there is any way I can support you, let me know.

This particular study uses a point system to rate your lifestyle. This is from the BBC News in Brittan.

Lifestyle 'doubles stroke risk'

Drinking and smoking both increase the risk of stroke
Unhealthy lifestyles are associated with more than double the risk of a stroke, a UK study has reported.
Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, not taking enough exercise and eating few vegetables and little fruit contribute to the chances of a stroke, it found.
Just a small proportion of the 20,000 adults studied had healthy enough lifestyles to protect against the condition, researchers said.
Strokes cost the UK £7bn a year, the British Medical Journal article added.
Previous studies have shown that lifestyle behavior, such as smoking and diet, are associated with the risk of heart attacks and stroke, but the impact of a combination of risk factors in apparently healthy people has been less clear.
Even small changes to our lifestyle, such as an improved diet, drinking alcohol in moderation, not smoking and being active, can reduce your risk of stroke

Joanne Murphy
The Stroke Association
In the latest study, led by the University of East Anglia, researchers gave one point for each "healthy behavior" reported by the participants, aged between 40 and 79.
One point was given to those who did not smoke, one point awarded for drinking just one to 14 units of alcohol a week, one point for consuming five portions of fruit and vegetables a day and one point for being physically active.
A significantly higher percentage of women than men scored a maximum of four.
The study found those who scored zero points were 2.3 times more likely to have a stroke in the 11-year follow-up than those with four points.
For every point decrease in the scores, there was an increase in likelihood of stroke, the researchers said.
Some 259 people did not score any points, of whom 15 had a stroke - at a rate of 5.8%.
But the most common score was three - achieved by 7,822 individuals, of whom 186, or 2.4%, had a stroke.
Around 5,000 achieved the healthiest score of four, which was associated with an absolute stroke risk of 1.7%.
Findings 'worrying'
The researchers said the results could provide further support to the idea that small differences in lifestyle affect stroke risk.
Study leader Dr Phyo Myint said: "Over the study period we observed six people for every 100 participants who had no health behaviors suffered a stroke compared to about one to two people for every 100 participants who had four positive health behaviours.
"Together with the substantial existing body of evidence about modifiable behaviours and stroke risk, this may provide further encouragement to make entirely feasible changes which have the potential to have a major impact on stroke."
In an accompanying editorial, Dr Matthew Giles, from the Stroke Prevention Research Unit at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, pointed out that the small proportion of participants with a lifestyle that protected against stroke meant a huge shift in behavior would be needed to achieve any benefit.
Joanne Murphy, a spokeswoman for The Stroke Association, said that with obesity levels on the rise, the findings were worrying.
"A stroke is a brain attack, it happens when the blood supply is cut to the brain, it causes brain cells to die and results in brain damage," she said.
"It's the third biggest killer and if it doesn't kill it can leave you severely disabled.
"However, even small changes to our lifestyle factors, such as an improved diet, drinking alcohol in moderation, not smoking and being active, can reduce your risk of stroke."
Professor Alan Maryon-Davis, president of the UK Faculty of Public Health, said: "The message is loud and clear. Just one of these healthy lifestyle changes can make a big difference to your risk of a stroke.
"And each additional change can bring it down even further. Every reason therefore to switch to healthier living, sooner rather than later."

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sleep for Weight Loss and detoxification

Today’s Re-Powering Information: I have an interview this afternoon speaking to a group of obese women and they always want to know my “secrets” and my top motivational tips for losing weight permanently. They are usually surprised at what I have to say: SLEEP, Manage / Reduce your Stress, Detox from processed foods, Exercise 5+ days per week, eat clean natural foods. There is no magic, no secret. Do what your body is naturally made to do. Take care of your body. No magic pills or gizmo’s. Nothing to buy

The way American live – sleep deprived, stressed out, living on fast foods and with sedentary lifestyles, leads to not only obesity, but a host of other conditions. I was thrilled this morning when I heard Susan visited her sister in NJ and they eat “super healthy”. She is in the minority, but the ones who are getting it, are really getting it and it’s a wonderful and enjoyable way to live. Julie mentioned today that on Friday night when she could eat anything she wanted on my 30 Day Detox, Fat Burning Meal Plan, she felt awful after the hour. After eating pizza, she felt sick.

Your body is incredible and with each healthful habit that you adapt, you will feel that much better. Healthy habits, especially exercise are your fountain of youth. Since I have not talked about sleep in a while and that’s such an easy thing to creep away from us, I thought I would reinforce the importance of turning off the world and getting in bed at night. I know that at the beginning of each camp I re-commit to getting in bed earlier and as the camp goes on, my bed time seems to get later. I feel so much better when I get to sleep earlier. You will too.

At night is when your body cleans up all of the toxins from the day. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body does nto get a chance to detoxify.

PS – there were ads for Tylenol PM in this article that I removed. You should be able to fall asleep naturally without any medication (over the counter or prescription). Work on good sleep hygiene (a dark room, temperature 70 – 72, quiet, take a hot shower before bed, avoid caffeine or a big meal before bed, turn off the TV & computer, light a lavender candle, play soothing music, etc). Shoot for 7 hours a night. 5 hours during the week and then catching up on the weekends does not work. Experts say that even naps don’t count. Strive for 7+ consecutive hours.

You Snooze, You Win
Think back on the last time you felt really well rested. Seem like ages ago? Blame it on too much TV and Internet time, or on the piles -- dishes, laundry, work, bills -- that need tending, but our ZZZs time is dwindling. In fact, studies show that sleep deprivation and sleep troubles are on the rise, and they're chipping away at our health -- and our longevity. Read on to find out why sleep is a must for staying young and how to be better at it.

Why Sleep's a Big Deal
Think that your occasional restless night or shift from a good eight hours a night to lucky-if-you-get-six isn't much to worry about? You may be used to being tired, but your body definitely isn't. Without nightly downtime to repair and refresh its systems -- like your immune and cardiovascular systems -- your body becomes vulnerable and weak. This ups your risk for a host of illnesses, including heart disease.

See which sleep issues might be troubling you and if medications or herbal supplements may help.

Behind Closed Eyes
Lack of quality sleep also bogs down your brain. Here's why: When your eyes are open, you're watching the world and processing it visually, so your brain can do little else. You need nonvision time -- shut-eye, or sleep -- to break down info and store it in your memory for future use.

Give your eyes and your brain a rest with this sleep-promoting chi-gong move.

3 Ways to Wind Down
Although most of us know what time we'd like to hit the sack, we sabotage our sleep intentions by doing things beforehand that keep us up. Prep your body for rest with a few slight changes in your evening rituals. Try these:
• Dim the lights several hours before bed to avoid the stimulation caused by artificial light from TVs, computers, and indoor lighting.
• Come up with a regular, rhythmic evening ritual that allows you to slow down so you can work through any stress or anxieties. Meditation, prayer, and deep breathing are all good methods. Try this 10-deep-breaths exercise before bed tonight.
• Surrender to sleep. After all, there is nothing you have to do to sleep -- except let go of waking. Practice "collapsing" into sleep rather than forcing yourself to sleep.
Discover six other simple changes that you can make -- to your bed, to your body, and to your life -- that will help set the scene for a good night's sleep (night after night, not once every couple of weeks).


Tonight would be a great night to get into bed early after this mornings workout!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cutting calories 'boosts memory'

Today’s Re-Powering information – It’s obvious that at the end of the day calories matter. I have been preaching about the quality of the calories more than the quantity. If you are going to over eat, I would rather you over eat organic chicken vegetable soup than chicken wings and fried mozzarella sticks. They have a different effect on your body – even if the calories are the same. The natural food is easier to digest, metabolize and does not leave foreign toxins behind. Studies have shown that those who consume fewer calories live longer and have less disease. That stands to reason as over feeding causes inflammation and obesity. It’s also rare that people are over feeding on salad. They are more likely to overfeed on pastries, fried foods and other fast foods which are artery clogging and lead to other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Cutting calories not only leads to fast loss and improved health, a new study shows it also boosts memory so strive to eat for your physiology rather than your emotions or out of habit.

Cutting calories 'boosts memory'

Healthy food

The volunteers had to limit their calorie intake

Reducing what you eat by nearly a third may improve memory, according to German researchers.

They introduced the diet to 50 elderly volunteers, then gave them a memory test three months later.

The study, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, found significant improvements.

However, a dietician said the reduction could harm health unless care was taken.

To our knowledge, the current results provide first experimental evidence in humans that caloric restriction improves memory in the elderly

Munster University researchers

There is growing interest in the potential benefits of calorie restricted diets, after research in animals suggested they might be able to improve lifespan and delay the onset of age-related disease.

However, it is still not certain whether this would be the case in humans - and the levels of "caloric restriction" involved are severe.

The precise mechanism which may deliver these benefits is still being investigated, with theories ranging from a reduction in the production of "free radical" chemicals which can cause damage, to a fall in inflammation which can have the same result.

The researchers from the University of Munster carried out the human study after results in rats suggested that memory could be boosted by a diet containing 30% fewer calories than normal.

The study volunteers, who had an average age of 60, were split into three groups - the first had a balanced diet containing the normal number of calories, the second had a similar diet but with a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, such as those found in olive oil and fish.

The final group were given the calorie restricted diet.

After three months, there was no difference in memory scores in the first two groups, but the 50 in the third group performed better.

Diet warning

They also showed other signs of physical improvement, with decreased levels of insulin and fewer signs of inflammation.

The researchers said that these changes could explain the better memory scores, by keeping brain cells in better health.

They wrote: "To our knowledge, the current results provide first experimental evidence in humans that caloric restriction improves memory in the elderly.

"The present findings may help to develop new prevention and treatment strategies for maintaining cognitive health into old age."

However, care was taken to make sure that the volunteers, despite eating a restricted diet in terms of calories, carried on eating the right amount of vitamins and other nutrients.

Dr Leigh Gibson, from Roehampton University, said that the drop in insulin levels were one plausible reason why mental performance might improve.

The hormone was known to act on parts of the brain related to memory, he said, and the higher levels found in people with poorly controlled type II diabetes had been directly linked to worse memory and cognitive function.

A spokesman for the British Dietetic Association said that people, particularly those already at normal or low weight, should be "extremely careful" about attempting such a diet.

She said: "There is other evidence that, far from enhancing memory, dieting or removing meals can interfere with memory and brain function.

"A drop of 30% in calories is a significant one for someone who is not overweight, and should not be undertaken lightly.

"It could even be dangerous if the person is already underweight."


Remember if you want to re-read an article or show a friend, it’s available on the boot camp blog 24 / 7 for your reference.

Be a Victor and not a Victim!

Have a glorious day!

Cutting Calories bootst memory

Today’s Re-Powering information – It’s obvious that at the end of the day calories matter. I have been preaching about the quality of the calories more than the quantity. If you are going to over eat, I would rather you over eat organic chicken vegetable soup than chicken wings and fried mozzarella sticks. They have a different effect on your body – even if the calories are the same. The natural food is easier to digest, metabolize and does not leave foreign toxins behind. Studies have shown that those who consume fewer calories live longer and have less disease. That stands to reason as over feeding causes inflammation and obesity. IT’s also rare that people are over feeding on salad. They are more likely to overfeed on pastries, fried foods and other fast foods which are artery clogging and lead to other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Cutting calories not only leads to fast loss and improved health, a new study shows it also boosts memory so strive to eat for your physiology rather than your emotions or out of habit.

Cutting calories 'boosts memory'

The volunteers had to limit their calorie intake
Reducing what you eat by nearly a third may improve memory, according to German researchers.
They introduced the diet to 50 elderly volunteers, then gave them a memory test three months later.
The study, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, found significant improvements.
However, a dietician said the reduction could harm health unless care was taken.

To our knowledge, the current results provide first experimental evidence in humans that caloric restriction improves memory in the elderly

Munster University researchers
There is growing interest in the potential benefits of calorie restricted diets, after research in animals suggested they might be able to improve lifespan and delay the onset of age-related disease.
However, it is still not certain whether this would be the case in humans - and the the levels of "caloric restriction" involved are severe.
The precise mechanism which may deliver these benefits is still being investigated, with theories ranging from a reduction in the production of "free radical" chemicals which can cause damage, to a fall in inflammation which can have the same result.
The researchers from the University of Munster carried out the human study after results in rats suggested that memory could be boosted by a diet containing 30% fewer calories than normal.
The study volunteers, who had an average age of 60, were split into three groups - the first had a balanced diet containing the normal number of calories, the second had a similar diet but with a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, such as those found in olive oil and fish.
The final group were given the calorie restricted diet.
After three months, there was no difference in memory scores in the first two groups, but the 50 in the third group performed better.
Diet warning
They also showed other signs of physical improvement, with decreased levels of insulin and fewer signs of inflammation.
The researchers said that these changes could explain the better memory scores, by keeping brain cells in better health.
They wrote: "To our knowledge, the current results provide first experimental evidence in humans that caloric restriction improves memory in the elderly.
"The present findings may help to develop new prevention and treatment strategies for maintaining cognitive health into old age."
However, care was taken to make sure that the volunteers, despite eating a restricted diet in terms of calories, carried on eating the right amount of vitamins and other nutrients.
Dr Leigh Gibson, from Roehampton University, said that the drop in insulin levels were one plausible reason why mental performance might improve.
The hormone was known to act on parts of the brain related to memory, he said, and the higher levels found in people with poorly controlled type II diabetes had been directly linked to worse memory and cognitive function.
A spokesman for the British Dietetic Association said that people, particularly those already at normal or low weight, should be "extremely careful" about attempting such a diet.
She said: "There is other evidence that, far from enhancing memory, dieting or removing meals can interfere with memory and brain function.
"A drop of 30% in calories is a significant one for someone who is not overweight, and should not be undertaken lightly.
"It could even be dangerous if the person is already underweight."


Friday, February 13, 2009

Feel Younger

Today’s re-powering information – Lets finish up today and the week on a positive note. Here’s a fact. Regular exercise can make your real age 9 years younger than your biological age. I’m not tooting my own horn, but I recently started using face book and have connected with some friends from high school. From what I can see of their head shots, many have round faces, the guys have full heads of gray hair and maybe I am kidding myself, but they look much older than me (I’ll be 40 this December – Yikes, I think that’s the first time I said that!). Exercise is your fountain of youth. When I was on the beach 2 weeks ago, I could clearly see the fit bodies confidently and briskly striding along the beach. You can tell that they are older, but they look younger and burst with energy. You have seen these people on the beach and can quickly identify the fit ones who exercise. In comparison it’s also easy to identify the unfit bodies who are meandering or sitting in lounge chairs with snacks in their mouths and supersized beverages in their hands. I’m not judging, but it’s clear the differences in lifestyle.

When exercise is an important part of your life it is the one thing that has the most far reaching effects on the rest of what you do here on earth. When you are fit, you make more conscious nutrition choices, you sleep better, you manage stress, have better mental clarity, more patience for relationships, are more concerned about your environment and much more. There is research to prove all of this which is in addition to the health benefits. People who exercise make more money, they live longer, they are happier, have higher self esteem, recover faster, have better immune systems and more and more and more! I know I am preaching to the choir, but I wanted to reinforce the importance of keeping exercise a priority in your life in hopes that you don’t take it for granted, but also being to positively influence those in your circle by your example.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Organics... regarding hormones, pesticides and carcinogens

I love to see everyone waking up each moment and seizing the day.

Tomorrow I said we would focus on back, shoulders, biceps, core and cardio. As always we plan to be outside. With the wind blowing into the building this morning and b/c we were not doing much movement, the majority choose inside. The rest of the week looks good for weather.

Today’s Re-Powering information: Gale sent me this information about Risky Foods regarding hormones, pesticides and carcinogens. I cover some of this in the Grocery Shopping Tour which is coming up Thursday Feb 25th. The boot camp site is down at the moment, but you can register later. I think you may be surprised at some of these findings. There are also additional links to foods containing mercury, articles on buying organic, etc.

Not Just HFCS and Peanut Butter: 10 Other Risky Foods
Is buying organic the answer to avoiding hormones, pesticides and carcinogens?

By Maura Judkis, U.S. News & World Report
More on this in Health & Fitness

* Mercury Found in High Fructose Corn Syrup
* How Much Meat Should a Climate Change-Wary Flexitarian Eat?
* 4 Easy Ways to Be a Freegan

As if we don't have enough to be worried about already. In the midst of food safety scares from salmonella in peanut butter and mercury in high fructose corn syrup, has produced a list of 10 other foods that can be dangerous. Their risks range from hormones to pesticides to carcinogenic substances. How to avoid many of these risks? Buy organic.

Farmed salmon. It's high in polychlorinated biphenyls, with 11 times more dioxins than wild salmon.

Conventionally grown bell peppers. They require more pesticides than any other vegetable—with as many as 64 being found on a single sample of pepper in one study.

Non-organic strawberries. Some growers of strawberries irrigate their plants with Nutri-Sweet-laced water. The sugar substitute is a probable carcinogen.

Chilean sea bass. The fish is high in mercury, and if eaten consistently over time, can elevate the body's mercury levels to dangerous amounts.

Non-organic peaches. Pesticides easily penetrate their soft skins and permeate the fruit.

Genetically modified corn. We still don't know the long-term effects of genetically modified corn, but it's been tied to an increase in allergies for humans.

Bluefin tuna. Not only is it high in mercury, but overfishing may drive the species to extinction and affect the sea's ecosystem.

Industrially farmed chicken. Arsenic has been found in conventional chickens, as has antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Non-organic apples. When grown in humid Mid-Atlantic states, the crop uses more pesticides than California, Oregon and Washington states.

Cattle treated with rBGH. Recombinant bovine growth hormone has been traced to breast cancer and hormonal disorders.

Read more on MSN Health & Fitness:

* Organic Foods: Are They Safer? More Nutritious?
* Organics for the 21st Century
* Tracking Down a Salmonella Outbreak
* Seventh Salmonella Death Linked to Peanut Products
* Organics: Are They Worth It?

The Adventure Project, Foods that are Harmful

People are facing tough times from economic adversity, to career disappointment and illness.
Fear and worry take an immense toll on our well being physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. He or she who has a healthy balance has everything. We were not made to worry we are meant to take risks!

Adventure is the spark that starts everything. It’s the fire, the awareness, the awakening of the unconscious. You can’t have an unconscious, unintentional adventure. Think about the greatest time in your life. You were likely fully engaged in a multisensory way without worry, feeling fully alive. Fear is a handicap.

We can change your thinking to empower you to have faith in yourself. Risk helps you grow. Be willing to try, to lose and learn from it. Be in the present and experience adventure. Adventure is not about thrill seeking, but about soul searching.

Today you can look at popular movies like Yes Man or some of the words in the titles of President Obama’s books such as :”Dream”, “Change”, “Hope”. Everyone can have a life like of abundance, prosperity, peace, joy and blessings. We are committed to helping you find the balance.

Tammy and I believe miracles will happen from the Adventure Project. The Time is Now for you to take the leading role in your life!

> Seize the day!


I love to see everyone waking up each moment and seizing the day.

Tomorrow I said we would focus on back, shoulders, biceps, core and cardio. As always we plan to be outside. With the wind blowing into the building this morning and b/c we were not doing much movement, the majority choose inside. The rest of the week looks good for weather.

Today’s Re-Powering information: Gale sent me this information about Risky Foods regarding hormones, pesticides and carcinogens. I cover some of this in the Grocery Shopping Tour which is coming up Thursday Feb 25th. The boot camp site is down at the moment, but you can register later. I think you may be surprised at some of these findings. There are also additional links to foods containing mercury, articles on buying organic, etc.

Not Just HFCS and Peanut Butter: 10 Other Risky Foods
Is buying organic the answer to avoiding hormones, pesticides and carcinogens?
By Maura Judkis, U.S. News & World Report
More on this in Health & Fitness
• Mercury Found in High Fructose Corn Syrup
• How Much Meat Should a Climate Change-Wary Flexitarian Eat?
• 4 Easy Ways to Be a Freegan

As if we don't have enough to be worried about already. In the midst of food safety scares from salmonella in peanut butter and mercury in high fructose corn syrup, has produced a list of 10 other foods that can be dangerous. Their risks range from hormones to pesticides to carcinogenic substances. How to avoid many of these risks? Buy organic.
Farmed salmon. It's high in polychlorinated biphenyls, with 11 times more dioxins than wild salmon.
Conventionally grown bell peppers. They require more pesticides than any other vegetable—with as many as 64 being found on a single sample of pepper in one study.
Non-organic strawberries. Some growers of strawberries irrigate their plants with Nutri-Sweet-laced water. The sugar substitute is a probable carcinogen.
Chilean sea bass. The fish is high in mercury, and if eaten consistently over time, can elevate the body's mercury levels to dangerous amounts.
Non-organic peaches. Pesticides easily penetrate their soft skins and permeate the fruit.
Genetically modified corn. We still don't know the long-term effects of genetically modified corn, but it's been tied to an increase in allergies for humans.
Bluefin tuna. Not only is it high in mercury, but overfishing may drive the species to extinction and affect the sea's ecosystem.
Industrially farmed chicken. Arsenic has been found in conventional chickens, as has antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Non-organic apples. When grown in humid Mid-Atlantic states, the crop uses more pesticides than California, Oregon and Washington states.
Cattle treated with rBGH. Recombinant bovine growth hormone has been traced to breast cancer and hormonal disorders.
Read more on MSN Health & Fitness:
• Organic Foods: Are They Safer? More Nutritious?
• Organics for the 21st Century
• Tracking Down a Salmonella Outbreak
• Seventh Salmonella Death Linked to Peanut Products
• Organics: Are They Worth It?


Make the best choices possible today!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Artificial Sweeteners can be harmful.

Today’s Re-Powering Information: You know that I am NOT a fan of any artificial sweetener. I personally don’t add sugar to anything, but I don’t have to. It’s already in EVERYTHING from salad dressing and ketchup to crackers and peanut butter. It’s in the places you least expect – if you are eating processed foods. Most all processed foods will contain some form of sugar. Sugar is a known carcinogen and it ages you tremendously. The article below is about artificial sweeteners which are found in “diet” foods including soda and even supplements. If you choose to add sugar to anything, stevia is the sweetener of choice b/c it comes from a natural root.

You can read the study and then see Dr. Mercola’s comments below.

New Study of Splenda Reveals Shocking Information About Potential Harmful Effects

James Turner, the chairman of the national consumer education group Citizens for Health, has expressed shock and outrage after reading a new report from scientists outlining the dangers of the artificial sweetener Splenda (sucralose).

In animals examined for the study, Splenda reduced the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50 percent, increased the pH level in the intestines, contributed to increases in body weight and affected P-glycoprotein (P-gp) levels in such a way that crucial health-related drugs could be rejected.

The P-gp effect could result in medications used in chemotherapy, AIDS treatment and treatments for heart conditions being shunted back into the intestines, rather than being absorbed by the body.

According to Turner, "The report makes it clear that the artificial sweetener Splenda and its key component sucralose pose a threat to the people who consume the product. Hundreds of consumers have complained to us about side effects from using Splenda and this study ... confirms that the chemicals in the little yellow package should carry a big red warning label."


Globe Newswire September 28, 2008

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 2008;71(21):1415-29

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

It’s very important to realize that Splenda (sucralose) is actually NOT sugar, despite its marketing slogan “Made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar”. Rather it’s a chlorinated artificial sweetener in line with aspartame and saccharin, and with detrimental health effects to match.

Splenda was approved by the FDA in 1998 as a tabletop sweetener and for use in products such as baked goods, nonalcoholic beverages, chewing gum, frozen dairy desserts, fruit juices, and gelatins. Sucralose is also permitted as a general-purpose sweetener for all processed foods.

The approval was given after the FDA supposedly reviewed more than 110 animal and human safety studies, but as you’ll soon find out, out of these 110 studies, only two were human studies, and the longest one was conducted for four days!

There’s overwhelming evidence that consuming artificial sweeteners will likely wreak havoc on your body. Previous news has centered mainly around artificial sweeteners’ ability to impair your appetite regulation and leading to weight gain.

For example, it’s been discovered that diet soda increases your risk of metabolic syndrome and, ultimately, heart disease.

However, the study mentioned above, published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, found even further disturbing news besides weight gain. Splenda:

reduces the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50 percent
increases the pH level in your intestines, and
affects a glycoprotein in your body that can have crucial health effects, particularly if you’re on certain medications
They also found unmistakable evidence that Splenda is absorbed by fat, contrary to previous claims.

It’s truly disturbing that Splenda can destroy up to 50 percent of your healthy intestinal bacteria, as these bacteria help maintain your body's overall balance of friendly versus unfriendly micro-organisms, and support your general health. Many people are already deficient in healthy bacteria due to choosing highly processed foods. This is why a high quality probiotic is one of the very few supplements I highly recommend for nearly everyone.

The Diet Fallacy

The belief that consuming artificially sweetened foods and drinks will help you to lose or maintain weight is a carefully orchestrated deception. So if you are still opting for diet choices for this reason, please understand that you have been sorely misled.

In reality, these diet foods and drinks can cause serious distortions in your biochemistry and ruin your body's ability to control calories. As a matter of fact, it’s been shown that diet soft drinks can double your risk of obesity!

Nearly a decade ago, studies were already revealing that artificial sweeteners can:

Stimulate your appetite
Increase carbohydrate cravings
Stimulate fat storage and weight gain
Unfortunately, most public health agencies and nutritionists in the United States still recommend these toxic artificial sweeteners as an acceptable alternative to sugar.

Now, I am definitely not a fan of sugar, but if I had to choose between sugar and any artificial sweetener, I would choose sugar, hands down, without question. I strongly believe artificial sweeteners are even more dangerous to your health than an excess of sugar.

The Health Dangers of Splenda

According to James Turner, the chairman of the national consumer education group Citizens for Health:

"This report followed accepted policies and procedures and the results make clear the potential for disturbing side effects from the ingestion of Splenda.

It is like putting a pesticide in your body. And this is at levels of intake erroneously approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

A person eating two slices of cake and drinking two cups of coffee containing Splenda would ingest enough sucralose to affect the P-glycoprotein, while consuming just seven little Splenda packages reduces good bacteria."

The web site lists a variety of consumer complaints from Splenda consumption, such as:

Gastrointestinal problems
Blurred vision
Allergic reactions
Blood sugar increases
Weight gain
My site also contains a long list of personal testimonials from readers who have suffered side effects from Splenda. In fact, we have more people on our site that have reported adverse reactions to Splenda than were formally studied in the research submitted for FDA approval!

The symptoms are so numerous I can’t include them all here, but the following are common symptoms, usually noticed within a 24-hour period following consumption of Splenda products:

Skin -- Redness, itching, swelling, blistering, weeping, crusting, rash, eruptions, or hives (itchy bumps or welts). These are the most common allergic symptoms that people have.
Lungs -- Wheezing, tightness, cough, or shortness of breath.
Head -- Swelling of the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, or throat; headaches and migraines (severe headaches).
Nose -- Stuffy nose, runny nose (clear, thin discharge), sneezing.
Eyes -- Red (bloodshot), itchy, swollen, or watery.
Stomach -- Bloating, gas, pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or bloody diarrhea.
Heart -- Palpitations or fluttering.
Joints -- Joint pains or aches.
Neurological -- Anxiety, dizziness, spaced-out sensation, depression.
Beware – You Could be Consuming Splenda Without Your Knowledge

You also need to be aware of the fact that although the bulk of Splenda is sold to processed food manufacturers and soft drink bottlers, it could turn up in your medicine as well, as nearly 10 percent of all sucralose is sold to drug companies.

Many times sucralose (Splenda) will not be listed in the drug information, so there simply is no way you would know you are consuming a potentially dangerous artificial sweetener. However, if you experience any of the symptoms above even though you’re avoiding Splenda and other artificial sweeteners, then it may be worth investigating the ingredients of any medications you’re taking as well.

Splenda Has NEVER Been Proven Safe for Human Consumption

As of 2006, only six human trials have been published on Splenda. Of these six trials, only two of the trials were completed and published before the FDA approved sucralose for human consumption, and the two published trials had a grand total of 36 total human subjects.

36 people sure doesn't sound like many, but wait, it gets worse: only 23 total were actually given sucralose for testing, and here is the real kicker -- The longest trial at this time had lasted only four days, and looked at sucralose in relation to tooth decay, not human tolerance.

Even more shocking, the absorption of Splenda into the human body was studied on a grand total of six men! Based on that one human study, the FDA allowed the findings to be generalized as being representative of the entire human population. Including women, children, the elderly, and those with any chronic illness -- none of whom were ever examined.

The FDA claims they reviewed over 100 studies conducted on Splenda. What they don't tell you is that most of the studies were on animals. And, those animal studies reveal plenty of problems, such as:

Decreased red blood cells -- sign of anemia -- at levels above 1,500 mg/kg/day
Increased male infertility by interfering with sperm production and vitality, as well as brain lesions at higher doses
Enlarged and calcified kidneys (McNeil stated this is often seen with poorly absorbed substances and was of no toxicological significance. The FDA Final Rule agreed that these are findings that are common in aged female rats and are not significant.)
Spontaneous abortions in nearly half the rabbit population given sucralose, compared to zero aborted pregnancies in the control group
A 23 percent death rate in rabbits, compared to a 6 percent death rate in the control group
Chemically, Splenda is More Similar to DDT Than Sugar

Yes. Splenda bears more chemical similarity to DDT than it does to sugar.

Sucralose is in fact a synthetic chemical that was originally cooked up in a laboratory. It does start off as a sugar molecule. Then, in a five-step patented process of making sucralose, three chlorine molecules are added to a sucrose (sugar) molecule. The chemical process to make sucralose alters the chemical composition of the sugar so much that it is somehow converted to a fructo-galactose molecule.

This type of sugar molecule does not occur in nature, and therefore your body does not possess the ability to properly metabolize it. As a result of this "unique" biochemical make-up, McNeil Nutritionals makes its claim that Splenda is not digested or metabolized by the body, hence it has zero calories.

But, if you look at the research (which is primarily extrapolated form animal studies) you will see that in fact an average of 15 percent of sucralose IS absorbed into your digestive system, and according to this latest study, it is also absorbed into your fat cells.

Unfortunately, if you are healthy and your digestive system works well, you may be at HIGHER risk for breaking down this product in your stomach and intestines!

Your Healthiest Alternatives

If you have a craving for sweets, rather than trying to find "healthier" ways to continue indulging in them, it is in your best interest to learn ways to relieve your cravings.

The obvious one would be to stop eating any of the products to begin with. But sweets are powerfully addictive – sugar has even been shown to be more addictive than cocaine. Stevia is a preferable natural substitute, which can be used in making most dishes and drinks.

However, complete avoidance of sweets is often necessary to break your addictive cycle, as your hormones insulin and leptin likely play an important role in your cravings.

If you are unable to achieve abstinence from sweets, your emotional connection to cravings might be an important factor for you. One of the most profound methods I know of for diminishing the effects of food cravings is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT is the psychological acupressure technique routinely used in my practice to help people reduce their cravings.

There is enough evidence showing the dangers of consuming artificial sweeteners to fill an entire book -- which is exactly why I wrote Sweet Deception. If you or your loved ones drink diet beverages or eat diet foods, this book will explain how you've been deceived about the truth behind artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose -- for greed, for profits ... and at the expense of your own health.


As always I am a phone call or e-mail away if you have questions, concerns or comments.

PS – if you want to see some pictures from The Compass Premier, you can check out my face book page. If you are not a member you can join for free.

Have a fabulous day!

Kelli Calabrese